Cedarwood Cedarwood (USA)


Cedarwood Juniperus virginiana

With properties that help to soothe the mind and body, the warm, woody scent of Cedarwood oil promotes a relaxing environment when used topically or aromatically.

Why the US?

Cedar trees grow in many different parts of the world, but to get the right chemical profile, we source juniperus virginiana—Eastern Redcedar—from the southeastern United States.

How does it work?

The Eastern Redcedar is a dense, slow-growing coniferous evergreen tree. It is known as a “pioneer” species because after an area has been cleared or damaged due to fires, flooding, or even logging, it is one of the first types of trees to begin growing!

The essential oil is produced through steam-distillation.

Sustainability and Responsibility

For sustainable and environmentally responsible sourcing, we distill Cedarwood from the scraps and sawdust that are a by-product of the lumber industry.



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