Fennel Fennel (Moldova)


Fennel Foeniculum vulgare

With several health benefits dating back to ancient Rome, Fennel essential oil can still be used internally to promote healthy digestion, while exuding a unique licorice aroma and flavor.

Why Moldova?

Fennel is native to the Mediterranean, but it’s commonly grown in herb and vegetable gardens throughout Europe. Our Fennel essential oil is sourced from parts of Moldova to produce the highest-quality product and create the biggest social impact.

Fennel Essential Oil

Fennel is an evergreen perennial herb that’s part of the carrot family. The plant, which can grow up to six feet high, has hollow stems, delicate feathery leaves, and yellow flowers. Fennel essential oil is steam-distilled from the plant’s seeds.

Impact Stories: Social Impact

Because of the short daylight hours during winter, children in the village of Nikolaevka, Moldova, walked home from school on dark streets. Villagers who work in the distillery also returned home in the dark. Local municipality leaders lacked the resources to improve community electrical conditions. So, in 2021, doTERRA Healing Hands® Europe provided the funding to install streetlights, repair damaged electrical poles, and establish secure electrical connections, which have already improved community safety. doTERRA Healing Hands Europe also provided funding for a new soccer field, which was used for the first time in summer 2022.



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